Ocean Rowing - meeting the class of 2023/24
Having finished training the 2022 TWAC rowers, we are now well into training rowers for 2023 and 2024 Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge.
This week we have a mixture of teams, duos and solo rowers in the classroom here, at a very windy & wet SeaSports Southwest, for their shore-based training: the Blue Atlantics, Never2Late, SeaSoar, Mumentous Row and Handsatlantic.
Mel a motorbike loving hand therapist, from Handsatlantic, will be rowing solo in 2023. Mel got hooked on the idea of rowing the ocean when she travelled to La Gomera for the 2019 TWAC to assist with research into trigger fingers in Ocean Rowers! Mel is rowing to raise funds for Interplast Holland and Interplast Switzerland .
All female team Blue Atlantics are due to row in 2023 and have joined us from the Netherlands. The four met through their involvement in local rowing and were motivated to sign up to this epic challenge through their joint sense of adventure and an itch to stretch themselves post covid restrictions. They are rowing to raise funds for two charities, Forgotten Child and Youth funds for sports & Culture.
Never too late are a UK based duo who are aiming to be the team with the oldest average age to have rowed the Atlantic, at 65.6 average age on the race start date in 2023. Having been a rowing coach for many years, Jim reached out on The Blue Marlin Group to find a comrade for a new adventure and he found Ian, who will join him for the Atlantic crossing in 2023. They are rowing in aid of Myeloma UK and Papyrus.
Getting ready for the 2024 race we also have SeaSoar. The 4, from across the UK, met through TWAC. Whilst Sam and Naill are serial adventurers, this will be a huge push outside of the comfort zone for Andrew and John. They are rowing for a cause close to Johns heart, Lymes Disease UK
Also getting well prepared ahead of time for the 2024 race, is Mumentous Row. Lancaster based Viv is planning a solo row to raise the profile of menopause and related charities. Likely to set the record for the oldest female rower, she’s been inspired by the Yorkshire rows, a well-known female team who rowed the ocean and broke records in 2016.
For your shore based Ocean Rowing Enquiries, contact Sue TEL:01626 772555 - EMAIL:INFO@SEASPORTS-SW.COM