Ocean Rowing - Before the Challenge
All Oar Nothing, training to row the Atlantic Ocean for the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge in 2019
There is something about crossing the Atlantic ocean that captures the imagination of all aquatic adventurers. The idea of following in the stream of trailblazing explorers like Christopher Columbus and crossing one of the planet’s great expanses in a single vessel, holds huge appeal and is part of the reason why hundreds from across the world have signed up to brave The Worlds Toughest Row (formerly known as Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge) in recent years.
SeaSports Southwest are the world’s foremost training providers for the event, having trained over 60% of all participants since 2012, including many to race victories or world records. We also trained 23 of the 38 teams who set out for this year’s race from La Gomera on 12 December 2023 and many of those who toolk on the Inaugural Pacific Row Challenge in 2023 too. Is rowing an ocean something that would interest you? In the first of a two-part blog, we will look at what you need to do BEFORE taking part in one of the world’s great endurance challenges.
Of course, an obvious one. But don’t assume this is an event you can enter and take part in last minute. There are a limited number of places and they are quickly filled over a year in advance. Entry fees with event organisers Atlantic Campaigns start at over €20,000 (approx. £17,500).
Ocean rowing requires specialised equipment, a vessel that can handle the rigours of thousands of miles at sea and a berth you can sleep and eat in. SeaSports Southwest can signpost you towards teams from previous events who are selling their vessels. We can also recommend Blue Marlin Group on Facebook for second hand boats, or for new boats we love Sea Sabre and recommend Rannoch or The Ocean Rowing Company. Boat costs are wide ranging, but are in the tens of thousands. Already, you can see that rowing the Atlantic is not an insignificant exercise and with up to three months required away from paid employment, it is a big commitment. This is where sponsorship is key for participants to help fund their attempt.
The Worlds Toughest Row creates an international platform for each team to raise funds for its charity of choice. Each team or individual can choose a charity that is close to their heart which, more often than not, provides them with the ability to persist and remain motivated during the darker days at sea. So far, participants of the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge have collectively raised over €16m (approx. £14m) for charities worldwide since 2013.
Of course it is very important to be physically fit to row an ocean. But it is frequently overestimated in importance when compared to the other aspects of training. Pure fitness will not suffice. Getting used to rowing your boat, developing skills and seamanship, knowing your systems and how to fix them, and getting emotionally and mentally prepared for the challenge are all critical factors. It is about being fit for purpose – in this case rowing at a steady state for upwards of 12 hours a day for perhaps 70 days. It is not cosmetic fit, it is not running fit, it is about being able to row with strength at a slow, consistent pace, maintain body mass and preventing injury while effectively and efficiently pulling your boat through the water. Personal training is exactly that - personal. The variance between people, body types, metabolic speeds, dietary requirements and medical conditions are different person to person. No one size fits all and rowers should seek tailored guidance from strength and conditioning specialists and here at SeaSports Southwest we can link you up with the right support.
It is the crew’s responsibility to transport the vessel from their home country to La Gomera to make sure the vessel has cleared correctly through all customs procedures, ensure the vessel is safely unloaded and placed on to an Atlantic Campaigns (race organisers) cradle. Once the vessel is launched into the water, it will be under the security of Marina La Gomera and Atlantic Campaigns. Many crews will drive down to the Canary Islands towing the boat fully loaded with everything needed for the voyage, while others will pay for a professional company to transport the boat.
WANT TO READ MORE: Rowing the Ocean – during the race
In the meantime get in touch TEL:01626 772555 - EMAIL:INFO@SEASPORTS-SW.COM if you are interested or check out our Ocean Rowing courses on our website.
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