Youth Sailing - Stages Three and Four - RYA

Youth Sailing - Stages Three and Four - RYA


Full price £400*

Deposit to pay today £50

*Balance due 2 weeks prior to course start date

DURATION:  5 days

REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE/SKILLS: Youth Sailing Stage 2 Certificate

ABILITY AT COURSE END: Can launch and return to a beach, jetty, or mooring, and sail a crewed dinghy around a triangle in moderate conditions


MINIMUM AGE:  8 years +

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Combing stages 3 & 4 into a fun 5-day courseAfter mastering the basics of sailing in stages 1 & 2, stages 3 and 4 will create a self-reliant sailor in medium winds. By the end of the week, you will have learned how to sail in a variety of areas and conditions.  The course includes tacking and gybing, how to pick up moorings, come alongside moored boats and pontoons, how to recover a man overboard in single and double handers, as well as essential theory to help ground your skills.

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